1993-6 New Members

Number 6 —  September, 1993


Tasting Notes

Wow!  What a great first event!  Who would have imagined that with all those 20 point ’74 Cabernets the best wine of the tasting would be a ’71 Haut Brion Blanc?!!  As luck would have it, that’s the only wine that we have more than one bottle of!  Look for another bottle at an upcoming event, perhaps in February.  Thanks to all for attending, and for the excellent wines you all brought.  Thanks to Andy for making the arrangements, and a special thanks to Ariel’s for providing such a nice environment.

Treasurer’s Report

Welcome to Howard Fox and Becky Kitchens.  Martin’s dues are also in, and Suzanne will be our final charter member.  Our current balance is:

Previous Balance



 Dues paid




 Dues payable











Auction News

The next Butterfield & Butterfield auction is October 2nd.  By a stroke of good luck, I will be in Los Angeles on that date, and so will be able to attend in person.  This will give us some extra opportunities for “bottom fishing”, so rather than send out a list of potential lots I’ll wait and see what comes up.  There are some excellent Haut Brions from the 50’s, and two Petite Sirah verticals that look particularly interesting.

Upcoming Events

Our second meeting is confirmed for December 4th at Ariel’s.  We will meet at Matha’s Vineyard at 5 p.m., sharp for appetizers and a half hour stand-up social.  As before, each couple may bring two wines to share during the appetizers or dinner.

The theme of this tasting will be Chateau Cheval Blanc, with ten vintages going back to 1937.  Wines to be included:


Ch. Cheval-Blanc





Ch. Cheval-Blanc






Ch. Cheval-Blanc






Ch. Cheval-Blanc






Ch. Cheval-Blanc






Ch. Cheval-Blanc








The exact wines will be listed in a future newsletter.

See you December 4th.